Tedarikçi Bilgileri

U.I. Lapp GmbH hakkında genel bilgiler

Company: U.I. Lapp GmbH

Address: Schulze Delitzsch Str. 25, 70565 Stuttgart

Phone: 0711/7838-01

Fax : 0711/7838-2640

Website: https://www.lappkabel.de

E-Mail: info[ at ]lappkabel.de


Legal entity: GmbH

Commercial register. no.: Stuttgart HRB 12720

Sales tax no.: DE 147823795

Bank details: BW Bank
Account number: 2409702
Sort code: 60050101
Swift-Code: Sola DEST
IBAN-Nr: DE77 6005 0101 0002 4097 02
D-U-N-S - No: 32-200-9895


Managing Director: Matthias Lapp

Josef Holz

Dr. Matthias Kirchherr

Boris Katic

Lutz Grotebrune

Founded in year: 1959

Legal entity: GmbH

Capital: 10 Mio. €

Turnover/budget (Lapp Group):

2017/18: 1.153 million €  (consolidated)

Current number of employees:

4.245 worldwide (Lapp Group)
U.I. Lapp GmbH 600 e.

Production sites:

The Lapp Group has 18 active production sites, producing high-quality branded products.

Sales regions: In Germany, 37.

Organisations: about 44 sales organisations worldwide.

Outlets: approx. 100 worldwide (Lapp Group)

Sales structure: Over 50 field staff + branch managers.

Industry: Electrical engineering.

Sales routes: processors, e-sales and trade.

Areas of activity: Mechanical and systems engineering, automation engineering, electrical industry, automotive manufacturers, service industry, computer industry, power generation etc.

Product spectrum:

ÖLFLEX® - Power and control cables

UNITRONIC® - Data communication systems

ETHERLINE® - Data communication systems

HITRONIC® - Optical transmission systems

EPIC® - industrial connectors

SKINTOP® - Cable glands

SILVYN® - Protective Cable Conduit systems

FLEXIMARK® - Cable marking products


See general terms of business here

Group affiliation: Lapp Holding AG.

Insurance information:

Produt Liability Insurance:
Primary EUR 20,000,000
combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage per claim and twice annual aggregate.
Extended products liability - covered e.g.
costs for disassembly and new assembly, testing and sorting, etc. covered
For automobile recall costs
EUR 10,000,000.00 per occurrence
EUR 10,000,000.00 in the annual aggregate
Insurance cover exists worldwide.

Dr. Matthias Kirchherr
Tel: 0711/7838-6000
Fax: 0711/7838- 866000
E-Mail: matthias.kirchherr(at)lappgroup.com


Josef Holz
Tel: 0711/7838-2090 
Fax: 0711/7838-1943 
E-Mail: josef.holz[ at ]lappkabel.de


Boris Katic
Tel: 0711/7838-1370
Fax: 0711/7838- 863000
E-Mail: boris.katic(at)lappgroup.com


Lutz Grotebrune
Tel: 0711/7838-2080
Fax: 0711/7838-863000
E-Mail: lutz.grotebrune(at)lappkabel.de

Head of Customer Service (internal service)
Alexander Schweikart
Tel: 0711/7838-2171
Fax: 0711/7838-3660
E-Mail: alexander.schweikart(at)lappkabel.de

Head of Logistics
Joachim Ruck
Tel: 0711/7838-2880 
Fax: 0711 7838-5810 
E-Mail: joachim.ruck(at)lappkabel.de


Head of Material Planning
Marco Mauz
Tel: 0711/7838-2340
Fax: 0711 7838-9560
E-Mail: marco.mauz(at)lappkabel.de


Head of Purchasing

Roger Ganzert

Tel: 0711/7838-6820

Fax: 0711/7838-6230

E-Mail: roger.ganzert[ at ]lappkabel.de


Head of Quality Management 

Jens Hutter

Tel: 0711/7838-2063

Fax: 0711/7838-3120

E-Mail: jens.hutter(at)lappkabel.de

External services (D):

You can find the contact partner you want on our internet site.


Please give your postcode.



Language to be used for correspondence: German, English


Data exchange/interfaces:

Word, Excel, PDF, CAD product catalogue in DXF 3D and 2D, IGES 3D and 2D, STEP 3D plus AT binary 3D and SAT, Ascii 3D, EDI, csv.


Quality & certification according to:

ISO 9001
KTA 1401 e-on-Kernkraft
You can download certificates from our homepage.




Conditions of delivery: General terms and conditions ( www.lappkabel.de) or. special agreement

Delivery times: On request

Haulier's address (Company): Kühne+Nagel

Address of parcel service (Company): DPD

Just-in-time: Yes


Consignment warehouse: Available on request


For further questions about this information from the supplier please contact:

Josef Holz
Executive Vice President 
Tel: 0711/7838-2090 
Fax: 0711/7838-1943
E-Mail: josef.holz[ at ]lappkabel.de